You can easily take measurements for your Copenhagen Blinds: Measure the width of the windows. Keep in mind that there need to be about 0,5 cm air on both sides. Measure the height of the windows in the same way.
You can order Copenhagen Blinds from 60-250 cm width and 60-250 cm height. You can print the measurement document and write down the width and height of all your Copenhagen Blinds and then order them on this page.
Once you order your Copenhagen Blinds, they will be produced according to your order. The enclosed metal fittings can be mounted both horizontally and vertically - and are hidden when your blinds are mounted. The top brackets can be slightly shifted, providing a practical tolerance that helps for quick and flawless setup.
1. Mål vinduets/lysningens bredde. Bestem midten, og markér denne.
2. Mål afstanden mellem midten af de to plastik-topbeslag og del med to.
3. Mål den udregnede afstand fra midten, og marker hvor beslagene skal sidde. Husk at: metalbeslagene kan monteres vandret eller lodret. Kontrollér med et vaterpas, at metalbeslagene er monteret helt vandret.
4. Dine Copenhagen Blinds kan nu klikkes på topbeslagene.
5. Tjek, at persiennen kan køre op og ned ved at bruge de to kontrolknapper i venstre side. Et kort tryk på nederste knap – så kører lamellerne helt ned. Et langt tryk – så vipper lamellerne indtil trykket ophører.
Download the APP to your iPhone / iPad or Android and follow the installation wizard in the app. If you have multiple blinds, you can choose to name them and group them - e.g. 'Blinds in the living room' or 'Kitchen blinds' - and you can program them with favorite position, scenarios and schedules.
Remember to allow notifications from your APP - as it ensures that you receive important information e.g. when the batteries in your Copenhagen Blinds need to be recharged.
If you have any questions, check out our FAQ - and you are also always welcome to contact us at
The APP works on iPhone and iPad with IOS 11 or later and on Android 6.0 or later.
Tilføj en persienne til App'en
Når du downloader Copenhagen Blinds APP'en kan du nemt tilføje en persienne og du bestemmer selv, hvilket tidspunkt den skal tilføjes. Denne video viser dig step by step, hvordan du tilføjer en ny persienne i APP'en.
A unique feature of Copenhagen Blinds is that the slats can be easily removed and cleaned.
The Copenhagen Blinds blinds are easy to clean as no slats pass through the slats. They can therefore easily be easily removed one at a time, wiped with a damp cloth and then reinserted.
It couldn't be easier!
And should the mishap be out and a lamella gets a crack or a bulge, you just order a new one and replace the damaged one.